
Wednesday, 15 June 2016

More on AMG 16

This a follow up to the first-of-my-reports-on A Military Gentleman-16 weekend

No sooner had the smoke cleared at the Battle of Soor table around 3.30pm but I heard Dave Hall canvasing for players for the Sands of the Sudan game run by Dave Docherty.  I had wanted to play this so it was a carpe diem moment.  As before, the light seemed to interfere with my photos and the ones I show in no way give credit to the superb figures and terrain which was a lovely facsimile of the Peter Gilder style games of the 1980s, using the original rules and correct Hinchliffe (I presume) figures. I'm afraid I'm no expert on any of this but have played enough colonial games to know what to expect! And in this case it appeared to be realistic rules and units combined with a fun "tongue in cheek" scenario whereby a British column was speeding to the rescue of the General's daughter who was being protected by Dave H's Egyptian infantry against the marauding hordes of Mahdists. The key to action was that the umpire controlled the Mahdists and whenever you got near some cover there was a random card risk that it contained something hostile.

The Daves at the far end have a little battle, while the column is in the foreground. My troops nearest the camera. Naval brigade left flank, Black Watch right flank and cavalry up front already engaging the enemy
It appeared that the game had been in progress for 3 turns already and John D kindly suggested we split some of the infantry between us.  In the game I was in we had Angus taking all the glory with the cavalry, fellow Scot  John with the Black Watch, ex-submariner Will taking the Naval Brigade including Gardner gun, sailors and Royal Marines, and I brought up the rearguard consisting of the Royal Irish Fusiliers, camel borne screw gun, commanding general and war correspondents - no pressure then! I did not have the most distinguished game but will tell my small view of it  in what pictures are presentable.

Camel riders were attacking Angus's cavalry and he called for fire support so
I put the Fusiliers in line and deployed the screw gun on the hillock. Between
Will and me we saw off the camels
Meanwhile (above and below) Dave was being constantly assailed at the oasis village
and taking a toll on the enemy judging by those lifebelt markers

But just when I thought it was safe to recommence the march.........
........a large band of Fuzzy-Wuzzies came on at random directly from our rear. The Water, screw gun and correspondents were despatched with all haste towards the Black Watch, who had by this time made good speed and were disappearing over the horizon!  My first volley fire was terrible and still the Fuzzies came on. The second volley was better but they still matched my frontage when spear met bayonet. This photo shows the result of the melee with my line intact and not many of the brave natives still standing. No doubt the General's fine bearing had inspired the Irishmen!
It had been very tense but the native morale broke and here they can just be seen
 kicking up dust while the Fusiliers form column to try to catch up.
For the moment my screw gun and non-combatants seemed safe
Up ahead our mounted arm was having success
Mahdists lurk behind a ridge waiting for Will
Angus's Indian lancers clear off the remaining block to the General's daughter
Above and below: Will engages the umpire's glee in his attempts to destroy a large
 band of enemy with a combination of skirmishing sailors and their Gardner gun
Royal Marines await the outcome
A tough nut to crack, especially with a gun and cavalry there too....... send in the Hussars and the Camel Corps 
But what of my little column? Random dice dictated that a very large force of screaming Mahdists came out of the central native village in the direction of the unguarded screw gun, baggage and correspondents. I just had time to hurry the reporters on towards the Black Watch and double back the camel transport to the safety of the advancing Irish Fusiliers.........but it had been close!
That proved to be the end of the game as, at the business end, Dave H had got short of ammo and, seeing the opportunity afforded by the Indian lancers decided to break out and make for them. Once the young lady and her companion were united with the Lancers we had won our objective. Great fun, and thank you Dave D for giving me the chance to participate in something the like of which I had seen in magazines in the past, and recently on the web but now it felt real.
AMENDMENT: The rules have been resurrected by Carlo in Australia who can be contacted by email  here - carlo pagano and his highly entertaining blog is
with pyjamas through the dessert

We finished about 6pm and there was time to chill out before evening drinks on the patio followed by a lovely meal, then more drinks and conversation in the bar till.....about 1 am (but don't tell the Duchess!)

Next time - two more games at AMG 16


  1. Wonderful post Chris and most certainly some superb photographs as well. The table looks simply marvellous and I understand the little tweaks that Dave added were sensational.

  2. Great write up . Glad you enjoyed the game. They were fun to run

  3. Great report Chris, those Mahdists get everywhere.
    Carlo's rules work really well

  4. Carlo - Dave will have to tell you about his little tweaks as it was one of those ideal games where you had a few stats on a laminated sheet for your units, then acted by instinct modified by a few dice and the umpires magic chart. In the words of a famous Spanish waiter " I know noootheeng". :-)

  5. Great write up. I didn't get to play any other games but ordered a set of the rules as I have an idea forming in my head ...........

  6. Chris, Very engaging write-up and some great photos.

  7. Agreed! A wonderful vintage look to the game.

    Best Regards,


  8. Chris,
    I would have loved to fight in this game, it looked wonderful.

  9. Thanks to everyone for appreciation of my humble little report. This game was rich in multi-layers of texture having the feel of a conventional brigade scale battle but with the scope for skirmish-style characterisation. For a fuller impression see David's blog at right (one man and his brushes)
