
Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Two Hussarettes this Christmas

Trying to make up a little for the dearth of blog posts by me this year, and in particular the last couple of months, here are not one, but two, young Christmas ladies in uniform for my readers!

This year Sir Joshua Gregg RA has recalled his memories of his grand tour in Silesia in late 1757. A sojourn just before Christmas among the ladies of the Prussian 7th (Seydlitz) Hussars brought some surprises in the degree of high spirits expressed by some young trooperettes.  Fresh from Prussian victories at Rossbach and Leuthen, Winter quarters were proving rather boring for these light troops known for their exploits of man-izing, hard drinking and gambling. Someone dragged in a crate of schnapps looted during the Austrian retreat from the snowy blood soaked churchyard at Leuthen, and before long a shooting contest was taking place! A good fire and the powerful liquor encouraged Sasha and Sandi to loosen their dolmans to reveal their fetching filigree decorated blouses, so that Sir Josh too began to feel hot under the collar!   But nothing stopped him getting out his sketchbook to record an interesting scene and later interpreting it as a studio painting.

Sasha, "the left handed gun", gets off a shot......
........taking Sandi by surprise while she readies
her sabre
Many of my wargaming buddies and art clients will have received Sasha and Sandi (Hussarettes Nrs 27 and 28 in the series) as my Christmas card 2019 and so now here it is to all my blog readers. Wishing you all a Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year and grateful thanks for all the great comments and support I have had in the year gone by. Apologies for the lack of blog entries but I have been busy with painting commissions, major computer problems, and a very absorbing project involving classic 1970s Napoleonic figures - more of that anon. I will be carrying on with my reports on the Raid on Vestisle SYW mini-campaign and also hope to bring you a report of another historical Seven Years War wargame.

Back to Sasha and Sandi - this is a small acrylic painting 8 inches x 6 inches on deep edge box canvas (without the words), ready for hanging and is for sale for £45 plus postage. Please email me if you are interested and/or need more photos to help you decide.